The first family surname in medieval Transylvania (XIV century)
In this article, I intended to capture the moment of the appearance of the surname (the unofficial family name) in medieval Transylvania and the neighboring counties of the west and north (Caras, Timiș, Arad, Zarand, Bihor, Crasna, Solnoc Mijlociu, Sătmar and Maramureș). For this purpose, I recorded the first such names from the official documents of the time (14th century), but only those that originated in a nickname. I have chosed to take into account only the surnames resulted from nicknames, because in their case one can best notice how a person’s nickname passes over other members of his family, usually representatives of the next generations. The examples of surnames (in our case family surnames) presented in this article, clearly indicate that their appearance can be safely placed in the fourteenth century, the oldest surnames going back as the first part of that century. The importance of family surnames goes beyond Transylva nia’s medieval history, providing information that can help us understand today’s realities, namely the origin of some of our current surnames, which originate in many cases in medieval or modern surnames (family surnames).
A few more Facts about Mircea the Elder, His Relatives and Kinfolk. Bloodline and Familial Relations Addendums
The text is intended to add new lights after the study published in the years 2012-2013 and aims to resume, in a new approach, some research topics open then and, in addition, to provide a key to understanding the XIVth century Wallachian-Lithuanian political relations in the light of the dy nastic liaisons between Basarab and Gedymin family.
Considerations on documents and scripts Guilds from Transylvania (XV-XVI)
The present study aims to achieve an introduction to an extremely complex and extensive theme, which in Romanian historiography does not benefit from a punctual approach, namely, the practice of writing associated with the craft communities or guillages in the era Medieval. Starting from the specific sources (regulations, registers, statutes, acts issued by guille) the approach proposes a possible analysis scheme (certainly perfectible), focusing on the data that the springs, in particular édité, offers for three urban centres: Brasov, Sibiu and Cluj. The brief presentation of the issue reveals that the scriptourism activity carried out within the artisans communities contributes to a reconsideration of the history of the Guild and of the craft life and from this perspective.
Implications of the Architectural Ornament on the National Identitary Discourse. Case Study: Hungary in the Dualist Era
This article is part of a larger piece of research which focuses on the symbolism associated with architectural ornaments. The historic events, which led to the consolidation of the nation between the XIXth century and the first two decades of the XXth century, are also reflected in art. We ana lyze the way in which the Hungarian identity discourse, forged during the dualist period, incorporates architectural ornaments as a means of capturing the essence of national specificity. We aim to show how the symbolism of building ornament is perceived differently depending on the architectural style the ornaments aid at constructing.
To a national-church painting or Integration of identity-national motives in the decoration of compositions monumental church promoted by Octavian Smigelschi
At the end of the nineteen century and the early twenty century, in the European States, the issue of nationalism has increasingly been put in question. This current quickly arrived in our country as well. If at the end of the 19th century in the Romanian Principalities, Nicolae Grigorescu and Ion Andreescu break the official academic art template, inaugurating a new current whose main feature is the direct link to reality, love for simple hu man life, the same renewal marks it in Transylvania and Banat the art of Octavian Smigelschi (1866-1912). Elaborating a program for the renewal of Romanian religious art, Octavian Smigelschi emphasizes the need to create a style marked by the fingerprint of a vigorous national identities, first put in fact in 1904 by painting the dome, the pendant and iconostasis of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Sibiu, and then through the iconostasis of churches in Bistrița Năsăud County.
Grigore Romalo and the First World War. The year of 1917
Grown and educated in the spirit of achieving the union national ideal of Transylvania to Romania, Grigore Romalo takes part into the first line of the First World War. The year of 1916 ends through the Romanian army defeat, holding Bucharest and the withdrawing of the army, administration, a part of the population and the royal family in Moldavia. Gradually withdrawn on the line Ramnicu Sarat- Viziru, between the Carpathians and the Danube, the Romanian army was reorganized and equipped with a battle technique similar to the rival one. The stage of the reorganization was imbued with missions of recognition and holding hostages in the enemy appliance, actions that highlighted the existence of several deficiencies in the army functioning. Grigore Romalo’s reviews are interesting as well, they focused on the daily life during the war. The military officers meals were sometimes too abundant and in the evening they were playing bridge in the middle of the nature. The upper authorities offered the soldiers resting days when they could sunbathing, taking advantage of the generous sun rays and in the evening they were gathering around the fire and recalling the beautiful moments of the home life. After four months of living together in trenches, the attack against the opponent started at 11 July, 1917. The war drama with its angsts and despairs highlighted the feeling of insecure. The involvement in the national completion War had a happy ending for him because he was named on the 20th of August 1917, at the Great Major State as an adjutant of the general Văitoianu and quitted to note the impressions created by the war front realities.
Romanians from the Former County of Timiș-Torontal that Participated in the First World War (1914-1918)
The First World War also marked the lives of the Romanian inhabitants and the communities in which they lived that were part of the former county Timiș-Torontal. In the actions imposed by the war were involved 29,682 persons from the 242 localities reviewed. Between 1914 and 1918 from the localities of the county were concentrated 29,634 Romanian inhabitants. Among those called to arms, 27,437 were employed in the active part, as soldiers on the frontline, and 2,197 in the sedentary part for auxiliary activities or mobilized on the spot. 43 other Romanian inhabitants were detained to be incarcerated or imprisoned in camp most likely because of their involvement in the national fight and 5 of them chose the path of refuge. During the war, among the Romanians mobilized, 2,369 died on the front, 726 died in detention, in exile, due to the diseases they caught or from the injuries and 1,341 went missing. At the end of the war the number of survivors was 25,246. 20,363 of them returned home fully healthy, 3,268 ill or injured which afterwards would make a full recovery and 1,615 of them disabled. 3,079 medals were received. Those that were dead or had disap peared left behind 2,616 widows and 3,763 orphans. The communities of the county had their own contribution in sustaining the war. The donation and voluntary contributions made by the inhabitants of those communities reached a total value of 238,600 lei during the entire war. At the same time, they suffered damages that reached a total value of 7,645,000 lei.
The Contribution of the former Mureș-Turda County to the “Border Line Victim’s Fund”(1919)
At the end of 1918 and the beginning of 1919, Hungary was occupying a series of Romanian territories from the western part of Transylvania that were situated in the border line area. The Romanians that felt under the Hungarian domination were victims to such atrocities that are hard to imag ine. As a response to the Hungarian violence, on March 18th 1919, at the initiative of the Reunion of Romanian Women from Sibiu was established the Border Line Victim’s Fund. Through it the victims of the Hungarian oppressions were about to get help. The inhabitants of Mureș-Turda County donated to the Border Line Victim’s Fund a total sum of 4.169 crowns.
Dokumentarishe Beitragen zu der Lage der Verwaltung des Kreises Bistritz-Nassod 1928-1929
Die Entwicklung des Verwaltungswesens,wurde zwischen den Weltkriegen als einen unbestadingen aber fortfahrenden Prozess Weltkriegen definiert. Die Notwendingkeit einer generellen Organisierung welche, die verscheidenen Vorschriften im alten Konnigsreich als auch in allen Prowienzen die nach dem Jahre 1918 dem Rumaenien angeschloßen wurden, Diese Lage verursagte eine stiemullierende Aufregung auf diesem Gebiet. Diese wurden durchgefürht durch die grundlegenden Vorschriften Das Grundgsetz von 1929) oder durch die organische Gesetze (Verwal tungsgesetz von 1925 und das Gesetz der lokalen Verwaltung im Jahre 1929) durch welche das Konzept der Verwaltungsorganisierung in einem nationaleinheitlichen rumänischen Staat. Die Dokumenten welche wir weiter Ihnen vorlegen, behalten die ursprünglichen In formalionen von den administrativen Diensten, die dem Kreis rat Nassod untergerordnet waren. Diese wurden auf Grund der Verordnungen der legalen Errichtungsverordnungen,der lokalen Behörden, welche taetig am Anfang des Jahres 1927 war. Diese faßen die grundlegenden Verordnungen der Täglihkeit der Kreisdiensten, vor der Gründung, der spetziellen Komißionen des Kreisrats. Sogleich erfahren wir intereßante Äußerungen über die Lage ueber die verscheidenen Gebiete:Öekonomie, Kulten und Erziehungswesen, Verwal tungswesen, Tierzucht, Verkerswesen Gesundheits wesen, Forst Wirschaft. Alle diese prägen ein allgemeines Bild der Verwaltung des Nassoder Kreises ein, so behalten wir auf de ersten Reihe die guten Errungenschaf ten aber auch sehr viele negative Aspekte, ammeisten dem Kriege zufolge. Zugleich, diese Dokumneten zeigen auch den Fortschrit- soviel es möglich war- zwieschen den ordentlichen Sitzungen des Kreisrates, welche die reprezentative Institutuion der lokalen Verwaltung im Kreis Bistritz-Nassod war.
Célébrations « du jumelage culturel» de 1924. Astra à Bucarest, Beeaza et Vălenii de Munte.
Les célébrations de jumelage culturel faisaient partie d’une série d’événements organisés entre 1919 et 1924 sous le slogan de l’unification spi rituelle de tous les Roumains. Après la Grande Union, Astra a invité en Transylvanie un certain nombre de sociétés culturelles de l’Ancien Empire et d’autres provinces historiques à découvrir la riche et longue activité culturelle de cet ancien défenseur de la culture nationale. Les célébrations du jumelage culturel ont eu lieu du 31 mai au 3 juin 1924 et ont été appréciées par un public prestigieux. Astra, sous la prési dence de Vasile Goldis, répondit à l’invitation des « Maisons nationales » et de certaines sociétés culturelles intéressées par le développement de l’éducation et de la culture unitaires: « Ligue culturelle », Fondation culturelle « Prince Carol », « Athénée roumain », «Chorale de Roumanie», et d’autres. Ils sont venus dans la capitale et ont été accueillis avec plaisir par les délégués de tous les quartiers d’Astra. Organiser et diriger le pro gramme du programme des célébrations, discours, manifestations artistiques, le tout empreint d’élégance et de sobriété. Ils ont apporté une contri bution louable à ces célébrations: le roi Ferdinand 1er, le prince Carol, le métropolite Nicolae Bălan et le métropolite Miron Cristea, le gouvernement et l’Académie roumaine. L’écho favorable des célébrations du jumelage a reflété, au mieux, la presse de l’époque. La célébration d’Astra à Bucarest, Breaza et Vălenii de Munte au début de l’été 1924, a montré qu’au-delà des passions politiques et des difficul tés de l’unification administrative, l’unification de la culture et de l’âme était devenue une réalité incontestable.
University of Cluj and Interuniversity Relations with Abroad (1919-1940)
Abstract: The University of Cluj had, throughout the interwar period, from a cultural and scientific point of view, a national and international voca tion. It has cultivated its openness to scientific relations with universities and academies worldwide. Inviting foreign professors, participating in congresses, conferences and international publications was a constant of the university life between 1919-1940. The university professors from Cluj wanted the integration of the University of Cluj in the contemporary rhythm of the sciences, which is why they established direct contacts with prestigious university centers, creators of scientific knowledge, in all fields. At the initiative of some scholars, such as Sextil Pușcariu, Petre Sergescu Emil G. Racoviță and others, renowned professors were initiated in Cluj, in various scientific fields, such as medicine, biology, speleology, geography, mathematics, literature and classical and contemporary linguistics. The strongest interuniversity relations were with the Universities of the Latin countries, especially with France and Italy. The University of Cluj enjoyed the activity of professors such as Yves Auger, Jules Guiart, René Jeannel, Pierre A. Chappuis, Giandomenico Serra, Emmanuel de Martonne and others. The university has been visited by scientists such as Jean Alazard, Pericle Ducati, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Henry Wickham Steed, Richard Livingstone, Olivier Martin or Réné Maunier. The teachers from Cluj, luliu Hațieganu, loan Lupaș, Silviu Dragomir, Theodor Capidan, Emil Panaitescu, Coriolan Petranu etc., responded to the invitation of renowned institutes, chairs and scientific publications, participated in missions, delegations, conferences and international congresses, in Paris, Montpellier, Brussels, Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Tübingen or Prague and have been honored with prestigious decorations and diplomas. The interuniversity relations with the foreigners raised the prestige of the first Romanian University in Transylvania, named since 1927 University “King Ferdinand I”.
Propositions pour l’envoi en camp de travail forcé des habitants du département de Năsăud (actuellement Bistrița-Năsăud)
L’historiographie consacrée à la répression orchestrée par le régime communiste de Bucarest contre le peuple roumain, dont les intérêts qu’il prétend représenter, s’est enrichie ces dernières années d’une série de contributions précieuses qui ont permis de déchiffrer de nombreux méca nismes diaboliques construits pour écraser toute opposition à l’édification de la société communiste. Cependant, un certain nombre de problèmes n’ont pas été suffisamment pris en compte en ce qui concerne l’impact destructeur qu’ils ont eu sur la société roumaine et même en ce qui concerne l’importance accordée au régime à l’époque. Parmi ces aspects, nous pensons qu’il existe un régime de travail forcé auquel de nombreux Roumains ont été soumis dans les années cinquante. Au-delà de l’aspect quantitatif, il est particulièrement important que cette forme de répression permette les plus grands abus, car l’internement dans les „unités” ou „colonies de travail” (comme on les appelait par euphémisme camps) a été fait sur la base de décisions du Ministère de l’intérieur (MAI), et non sur la base de décisions de justice qui, même arbitraires, bénéficiaient au moins d’un soutien législatif. Le 13 janvier 1950, le Présidium de la Grande Assemblée Nationale (M.A.N.) de la République Populaire Roumaine (R.P.R.) a adopté le décret no. 6/1950 pour la mise en place des unités de travail. Pour une meilleure compréhension de la conception à la base de la légalisation de cette forme de détention. Par ordre no. 100 Le Cabinet, du 3 avril 1950, donna des instructions aux régions de sécurité sur la manière de faire des propositions à la Direc tion générale de la sécurité de l’État pour arrêter et envoyer aux unités de travail ceux qui se conformaient à l’ordre indiqué. La direction de la sécurité régionale de Cluj a fait de telles propositions en établissant un tableau nominal sur les dossiers des unités de travail (U.M.) sur les places de l’ancien comté de Bistrita, qui a été soumis pour approbation. Dans les lignes suivantes, nous présenterons le tableau préparé par la Direction générale de la sécurité du peuple de Cluj avec les éléments proposés pour la classification selon l’ordonnance no. 100 de sa zone d’activité, en l’occurrence ceux nés ou résidant dans l’actuel comté de Bis trița-Năsăud, établis le 14 avril 1950.
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