Anul: 2014

Editor: Complexul Muzeal
ISSN: 1222-5096

Vase-askos ale culturii Otomani în nord-vestul Transilvaniei
Askoi der Otomani-Kultur în Nordwesten Transsilvaniens

Askoi der Otomani-Kultur în Nordwesten Transsilvaniens


Es werden die im Nord wes ten Transsilvaniens entdeckten vogelförmigen Askoi der Otomani-Kultur vor­ gelegt. Die Anzahl solcher Gefäße ist gering. Zwei St. stammen aus der mehrschichtigen Siedlung von Pir-Var (Cetate)/Vârudvar (Curtea Cetății), ein St. aus der Teilsiedlung von Sacueni-Ökörvar (Cetatea Boului), vier St. aus der Tellsiedlung von Salacea-Vidahegy (Dealul Vida) und zwei St. aus der Tellsiedlung von Tiream- Kenderesha- lom (Holmul Cânepii). Laut der von T. Kovacs erstellten Typologie, gehören die Exemplare Abb. 1, 3 und Abb. 2, 2 von Sälacea sowie, sehr wahrscheinlich, auch das fragmentarische Gefäß Abb 2, 5 von Tiream der 2. Vari­ ante, die Gefäße von Pir der 3. Variante.  Die besten  Parallelen  der Askoi aus dem Territorium der Otomani-Kultur befinden  sich  in  den  Verbrei­ tungsgebieten  der Hatvan- und  Füzesabony-Kulturen.  Unter den  südlichen  Einflüsse kommen  ähnliche Gefä­ ße schon in der Frühbronzezeit vor.  Es werden auch die Askoi der Mureș- und Wietenberg -Kulturen erörtert, die ebenfalls Ähnlichkeiten mit den Gefäßen der Otomani-Kultur aufweisen.

Die Schmuckdepots des späten 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Rumänien (Karpatenbecken)
Depozitele de podoabe de la sfârșitul mileniului al II-lea î.Chr. din România (Bazinul Carpatic)

Depozitele de podoabe de la sfârșitul mileniului al II-lea î.Chr. din România (Bazinul Carpatic)


în  lucrarea de față,  se studiază podoabele din  depozite cu  ajutorul mai multor tabele de combinare și hărți de răspândire. Având in vedere că brățările constituie principala componentă a depozitelor, ornamentele acestora au fost clasificate în diferite tabele de combinare (vezi tabelele 1-3). Se poate observa că unele ornamente sunt asemănătoare, însă nu identice, așadar au fost împărțite în două variante (vezi tabelul 3, varianta „a” – Uriu-Domănești și „b” – Cincu-Suseni).  După cum am amintit,  se poate constata că brățările și alte podoabe purtate pe braț (Armschmuck/-ringe) sunt cel mai des întâlnite în  ambele serii (Uriu-Domănești și Cincu-Suseni),  însă acestea se evidențiază față de celelalte artefacte îndeosebi în  seria Uriu-Domănești (vezi Abb. 1). Pe lângă depozitele cu brățări și alte podoabe purtate pe braț este prezent în perioada Cincu-Suseni și un număr considerabil de depozite care conțin arme și unelte (Werkzeuge/Waffen). Așadar, în seria Uriu-Domănești catalogul de obiecte este mult mai variat decât în seria Cincu-Suseni, însă trebuie luat în considerare și faptul că în prima serie amintită numărul de depozite este mult mai mare decât în a doua (vezi Abb. 1). Cele două perioade se separă astfel evident una de alta pe baza conținutului depozite­ lor. Pe deasupra, trebuie luată la cunoștiință și diferitele grupări de răspândire geografică. Analizând hărțile de răspândire, se poate observa că marea majoritate a depozitelor se află în nordul regi­ unii analizate în lucrare (Karte 1). Pe baza diferitelor forme de poadoabe se pot distinge aici două grupări de răspândire. Pe de o parte este vorba despre verigi (brățări și verigi de picior), care în cea mai mare parte sunt distribuite în partea nordică a regiunii (vezi Karte 4-5), iar pe de altă parte este vorba despre pandantive și alte forme de podoabe (nasturi, saltaleoni etc.), poziționate în partea de vest (harta/Karte 6). Nici majoritatea depozitelor care conțin apărătoare de braț, ace și/sau perle nu apar la nord de râul Someș (Karte 7). Acelea în care se regăsesc și unelte sau arme sunt răspândite atât în nord cât și în sud, în partea de vest apare doar un singur depozit (Karte 8). Luând  aceste aspecte în  considerare,  se poate concluziona că aceste tipuri de răspândire geografică ar putea avea la bază printre altele și obiceiuri regionale (vezi și Karte 9). Pe hartă (Karte 1) se poate observa că obiectele celor două serii (Uriu-Domănești und Cincu-Suseni) se exclud, exceptând căteva depozite. Prin ur­ mare, rămâne de gândit dacă cele două serii ar putea fi parțial interpretate ca și fenomene regionale. Dat fiind faptul că este vorba doar despre depozite de podoabe (cu excepția acelora care conțin și arme sau unelte), cu un conținut mai puțin numeros, poate fi vorba despre depozite depuse doar de o singură persoană, depunerea nefiind neapărat public efectuată. Atribuindu-se acestor podoabe în general un caracter feminin, se poate susține că au fost depuse sub forma unui act religios de către femei pentru zeitățile feminine.

Betrachtungen zur Deutung mancher Materialgattungen und Vorgänge der späten Bronze- und frühen Hallstattzeit
Observaţii la interpretarea unor categorii şi fenomene din Bronzul târziu şi Hallstatt-ul timpuriu

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Sorin NEMETI, Florin-Gheorghe FODOREAN
Cercetări arheologice de teren. I. Câmpia Turzii (judeţul Cluj)
Archaeological field survey I. Câmpia Turzii (Cluj county)

Archaeological field survey

  1. Câmpia Turzii (Cluj county)


With this contribution the authors decided to start a new series of articles as result of their archaeological field surveys carried out in the last years. The mapping of archaeological sites, as well as their accurate locati­ on and description, should be considered top priority today, because of numerous reasons, among which one should have in mind the inaccuracy of some official documents, such as the List of the Historical Monuments. The authors focused our attention in this first contribution forwards the archaeological discoveries mentioned within the territory of the city Câmpia Turzii. The authors succeeded to identify in the terrain the location of a tumulus partially excavated in 1967. We also identified the location of another tumulus, excavated in 1953, but, unfortunately, it was destroyed during time. The authors also managed to solve an old confusion related to  a place entitled  Ghiriș,  from Turda County,  where ceramic fragment belonging  the the early  Bronye age (the Coțofeni culture) was found. In fact, this Ghiriș is the village Ghirișu Român (Mociu, Cluj County) and not Ghirișu de Arieș. Therefore, within the territory of Câmpia Turzii there are no archaeological artefacts be­ longing to the early Bronze age. We mapped the location of several archaeological sites and we also presented several photographs. We will continue our series with other contributions, following the same methodology.

Valentin VASILIEV, Corneliu GAIU, George MARINESCU
Archäologisches Experiment zur widerstandskraft und Leistungsfähigkeit von Bronzeäxten
Experiment arheologic privind rezistenţa şi eficacitatea topoarelor din bronz

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Studia Porolissensia (V)
Studia Porolissensia (V)

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The roman funerary stelae from Gherla
Stelele funerare romane de la Gherla

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Dan DANA, Corneliu GAIU
Alte noutăţi epigrafice de la Ilişua: o tessera militaris şi litere de metal descoperite în castrul auxiliar
D’autres nouveautés épigraphiques d’Ilişua : une tessera militaris et des lettres en métal découvertes dans le camp auxiliaire

D’autres nouveautés épigraphiques d’Ilisua : une tessera militaris et des lettres en métal découvertes dans le camp auxiliaire


Edition de deux trouvailles appartenant à la catégorie de l’instrumentum inscriptum, mises au jour dans le camp auxiliaire d’Arcobara/Ihșua (dép. de Bistrița-Năsăud), en Dacie Porolissensis, où était stationnée à partir du règne d’Hadrien Yala I Tungrorum Frontoniana. 1. Une tessera militaris, découverte en 1991 dans la baraque n° 4 (IIe phase, niveau du camp en terre) : applique de bronze en forme de tabula ansata, légèrement endommagée et partiellement brûlée (3,17 x 2 cm ; ép. : 1 mm ; poids : 1,8 g ; ht. des lettres : 4,5-7 mm). L’inscription poinçonnée constitue une marque de propriété : T(urma) Ian(u)ari, I Marcel\li ++. Elle permet d’ajouter à la prosopographie de la troupe les noms d’un décurion, Ianuarius, et d’un cavalier, Marcellus, actifs sans doute sous le règne d’Hadrien ou d’Antonin le Pieux. 2. Découverte en 1983, à l’entrée dans les principia, de plusieurs lettres en métal (métal blanc et bronze), de formes et dimensions différentes,  d’exécution  particulièrement soignée,  dont certaines avaient été argen­ tées et dorées (du type litterae aureae). Les orifices suggèrent que les lettres étaient clouées sur des supports (en bois ?). On distingue au moins quatre groupes de lettres : (a) N ; (b) S, X ; (c) O, T, V (?) ; (d) M, N (?) et quatre autres fragments de lettres ou de chiffres. Les textes affichés étaient sans doute des dédicaces officielles émanant de l’aile et honorant la maison impériale ou des indications concernant les bâtiments principaux du camp auxiliaire. Date : IIe siècle (?).

Repere arheologice medieval-timpurii în zona Adamclisi (jud. Constanţa)
Early medieval archaeological benchmarks in Adamclisi area (Constanţa County)

Early medieval archaeological benchmarks in Adamclisi area (Constanța County)


In  this study  the authors presents all early  medieval discoveries that are known  until now at Adamclisi and  surrounding villages of published materials, to which are added new information’s from the archeologi­ cal research made in this area in the last years. Over Time, in the Roman-Byzantine fortress, the archeological research revealed proves of early medieval inhabitation in most of the sectors. The most significant is a cottage found in the south-west sector, in the ex- tramuros area, at 16 m of the precinct wall, with numerous ceramic materials, but unfortunately unpublished. Other profess are ceramic fragments discovered especially in the dismantling level, small buckles (clasps for books or shoes), spearhead and two iron arrows. Early medieval materials from the area of the Roman-Byzantine fortress, belongs, under the reserve of fu­ ture researches, to the 10th  century and first decades of 11th  century A.D. In the point called „Fortified annex” was identified the existence of level specific to this period, dated in 10th-l 1th century A.D. One  of  the  points  with  early  medieval  findings  near  the  Roman-Byzantine  fortress  is  at  approximately 100-150 m south-east from the fortified annex (10th-11th  centuries). From here, in the last ear, during a surface research, on a radius of approximately 50 m, were gathered 39 pottery fragments, a sandstone, a brick with two grooves from sharpening bone objects, another with a form of a weight, but non-perforated, and a strong blunt stone in the middle, probably used as a basis for a rub. A possible necropolis close to the city and the area presented above is suggested by a fortuitous discovery, made three decades ago,  of an  inhumation  grave,  on  a private propriety  from the urban  area of Adamclisi, dated in the first half of 9th century A.D. Another (?) possible necropolis, but an incineration one, dated in 10th century A.D., is mentioned at approximately 5 km east-south-east of Adamclisi. From fortuitous findings come also four monetary pieces. Early medieval specific materials appear also in Zorile and Șipotele, villages which administratively belongs to Adamclisi.  At these information’s, a series or fortuitous findings occasioned us to analyze of early medieval problem at Adamclisi from a much  richer perspective of archeological artifacts specific to  this period.  Thus,  during 2007  and  in  the next two  years,  in  the entire area,  in  the entire area between  Adamclisi,  Abrud and Hațeg (which  administratively  belong  to  Adamclisi),  part of the terrains designated  for agricultural work  suffered a series of anthropic interventions preparing  the land  for crops such  as fruit growing  and  wine growing.  In the fall of 2008,  with  the occasion  of the presence for systematic research  from Adamclisi,  we received  in two batches, several artifacts specific to Roman-Byzantine and early medieval period gathered by one of the seasonal workers,  from the respective area.  With  this occasion  we found  out about the fortuitous discovery of ceramic material, various metal and bone objects (civil and military), osteological remains etc. After a pre­ liminary analyze of the respective batch we found that the overwhelming majority of them belong to the early medieval period. From those materials we mention  103  pottery  fragments (oxidant and  reductand  burned),  six  spindle whorls, a bone pusher, a fragmentary sandstone, a silex core and 67 metal pieces (representing 56 apliques, 4 belt tongs, a small cross, an earring, a buckle, three rings and a piece of the weaving loom, all detailed in the catalog). More than half of the pieces discovered near Adamclisi have analogies in the centers of production from Novosel (apliques,  belt thongs,  buckles,  small cross) and  Zlatar (apliques),  respective in  the batch  of lead molds from north-east of Bulgaria which are in the collection of Varna museum (apliques), as evident from the presentations made in the catalog. These are made by Bulgarians craftsman’s, in the known or others cen­ ters. There are also some pieces to which we didn’t found any exact analogies, but which have some similari­ ty’s regarding the form, technique and decoration. It’s possible that part of these „transition variant” between models or products of more distant workshops. The piece no. 56 we are not sure if it belongs to early medieval period. Widely, the metal pieces, corroborated with ceramics, belong to the second half of 9th  century-first part of 11th century A.D. For some of them this chronology may be restricted, as evidenced by the data provided in the catalog or the presentation of ceramic material. The new findings from Adamclisi complete the existent know data for the dobroudjan  territory  in  early medieval period, and through this representative batch of decoration objects, probably the biggest discovered until now in the south-east of the country, diversify known types and variants, while providing valuable in­ formation with important contribution in shaping the image of the area at this time.

Crucea-relicvar (engolpion) de la Herina
The Pectoral Reliquary-Cross (encolpion) from Herina

The Pectoral Reliquary-Cross (encolpion) from Herina


The author makes known  to  the researchers and  interested  readers a reliquary-cross pectoral (encolpion), recently  discovered  in  Transylvania,  specifically  in  the vicinity  of the famous church  from Herina,  built in Romanesque style in the middle of the thirteenth century.  The reliquary-cross,  discovered  incidentally,  is cast of good  quality  bronze,  in  bivalve pattern.  Preserved whole, in a good state of preservation, the cross has on the obverse, in the center a realistic representation of an embossed image of Jesus Christ, crucified with halo. At the ends of the three equal arms, there are three round medallions with the representation in relief of the busts of three saints. In the central part of the cross, overhead the Savior imagine and both sides of the hands, vertically near the bottom left and the upper meda­ llion incised letters appear, in Greek and Slavonic. These are monograms and abbreviations of the Christian messages that allow us identify the characters. Along with crucified Jesus is the Mother of God, St. John the Evanghelist and St. Nicholas. The reverse has on its central part, on the vertical arm raised, the image of St. Mary with the Holy Child, and to the ends of the arms are shown in medallion busts, three bearded holy men, without aura, two identified as St. Peter and Paul. In the middle are incised Greek monogram of the name of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, also a letter is poorly visible in the upper medallion. Typological and by technical execution of the highest quality, the Herina encolpion can be related to the series of crosses or Kievan old Russian type, being produced in a workshop in Kiev or in a specialized center of the old Russian duchies before 1240. With prototypes as the reliquary-crosses of Byzantine origin, the en- colpions from the Kievan space appeared in the second half of the eleventh century, the first produced type is precisely this model that was discovered at Herina, which renders the image of the Crucifixion and the Virgin Hodegetria. The encolpion from Herina is so far, only the third piece of its kind in Transylvania, the best preser­ ved specimen of all discoveries, regardless of type, in the Carpathian space. Due to its characteristics- bronze of good quality, well-executed imagines in relief and very expressive, the use of Greek letters to the detriment of Slavonic, are elements that led us to believe that this piece was probably produced in the first half of the twelfth century in a workshop, in the duchy of Kiev and later in the century came to Transylvania. Given the demogra­ phic and political situation of the northeast Transylvania in the X- 72X111 centuries, until 1241, based on the in­ formation and documentation provided by archaeological research and in view of the specific reliquary-crosses for the Orthodox confession, we believe that the piece from Herina recently discovered, belonged to an Eastern Rite bishop who served in the territories densely populated by a Romanian Orthodox Christian population.

Mihai-Florin HASAN
Câteva observaţii privind sărbătorile din calendarul roman şi actele cu trimitere la Transilvania medievală (secolele XI-XIII)
Some observations on the Roman Calendar holidays and documents referring to medieval Transylvania

Some observations on the Roman Calendar holidays  and documents referring to medieval Transylvania


The aim of this study was to investigate the way in which the cult of saints and the calendar is reflected in written charts issued by the Royal Chancellery of Hungarian kingdom and other charts issuing places for the part of today Transylvania. The study was focused on the period between 11th and 13th century, but, in  fact, it analyzed the period ranged between 1213 and 1300 because in this period the use of feast day of saints entered in the written form of royal charts. The conclusion tends to be a clear one: feasts of saints are related to the management of justice throughout the kingdom of Hungary and, obviously, Transylvania as part of it.

Aspecte controversate ale campaniei otomano-muntene din Transilvania din toamna anului 1479
Aspects controversés de la campagne ottman-valaque en Transylvanie pendant l’automne de l’an 1479

Aspects controversés de la campagne ottman-valaque en Transylvanie pendant l’automne de l’an 1479.


En 1479 en automne, une puissante armée d’Akingis, sous les ordres de Mihaloglu Ali-bey, le beg de Vi- din, secondé par son frère Mihaloglu îskender-bey, le beg de Silistra, Hasanbeioglu îsâ-bey (Huseinbeioglu îs- â-bey, chez les chroniqueurs Lütfi-le pacha et Kodja Husein) et Malkoçioglu Bali-bey, arrive en Transylvanie. En ce qui concerne le vieux et l’expérimenté Evrenosbeioglu îsâ-bey, le beg de Smederevo, d’après quelques spécialistes, on considère sa participation comme incertaine, même exclue. En demeurant à Smederevo, Evre­ nosbeioglu îsâ-bey assurait, autant la sécurité des territoires trouvées sous sa juridiction, que celle du secteur de la Valachie du Danube, dont les commandants étaient engagés dans la campagne. Pour déclencher la campagne, les forces ottomanes se sont concentrées entre Smederevo et Nicopolis, sur­ tout dans la zone de Vidin,  cite située approximativement au  centre de cet alignement,  très probablement, même dans la proximité géographique de ces trois centres.  Le passage du  Danube s’est fait par plusieurs points, les armées principales traversant le fleuve à Smederevo, ou même à Horom, Vidin-Calafat et Nicopo- lis-Turnu. Les sources véridiques dont on dispose, permettent la constatation que les effectifs mobilisés par les par­ ties belligérantes ont assuré un léger avantage numérique de la part des Turcs. Les forces ottomanes étaient en nombre de 30.000 au maximum 32.000 de personnes et celles de la Transylvanie-Banat en nombre de 25.000- 28.000 de combattants. Une première armée, formée probablement par les forces des bey trouvés entre Nicopole et Silistra, sous la commande de Hasanbeioglu  îsâ-bey  a passé le Danube à Nicopolis-Turnu.Très probablement un  détache­ ment valaque envoyé par Basarab IV s’est ajouté à cette armée ottomane . Les forces ottomanes et celles de Valachie, commandées par Hasanbeioglu îsâ-bey ont avancé à travers la Vallée de l’Olt et, le 9 octobre 1479 sont arrivées en Transylvanie par le défilé de Cozia-Câineni-Turnu Roșu. Une seconde armée ottomane for­ mée sans doute par les plus professionnels et les plus entraînés soldats,  commandée par Mihaloglu  Ali-bey lui-même a passé le Danube et a avancé ensuite à travers Jiu et Gilort. Le 10 octobre 1479 après avoir traversé les Carpates Méridionales par l’ancienne route des marchands et des bergers entre Novaci et Jina, a débouché en Transylvanie entre Sibiu et Sebes où a fait la jonction avec les forces commandées par Hasanbeioglu îsâ- bey. Une troisième armée turque, à notre avis la plus nombreuse commandée par Mihaloglu îskender-bey, a passé le Danube à Smederevo, a avancé à travers la Vallée de Car aș par Caransebeș et par la Porte de Fer est arrivée en Transylvanie. On n’exclut pas le fait que d’autres détachements ottomans ont forcé le Danube par le gué de Horom pour se joindre ensuite à l’armée principale de la zone de la cité homonyme et d’autres ont passé peut-être le fleuve à Orșova, ont avancé par le couloir Timiș-Cerna faisant ensuite la jonction dans la zone de Caransebeș avec les forces commandées par Mihaloglu îskender-bey. Le 11 octobre 1479, entre Orăș- tie et Sebeș l’armée ottomane, venue par Banat, a fait la jonction avec le reste des forces turques, (traduction du résumé: Justina Coliban; Elena Jampa).

Adela KOVACS, Sebastian PARVU
Carte de învăţături creştineşti, editată de Ioan Bob, partea a treia, Blaj, 1805.
Analiza generală a volumului şi informaţii despre exemplarul din Muzeul Spiritualităţii Româneşti, Sfântu Gheorghe.
Christian teaching book, edited by Ioan Bob Greek-catholic bishop, Part Three, Blaj, 1805.
General analysis of volume and information on the copy from Museum of Romanian Spirituality, Sfântu Gheorghe, Covasna County

Christian teaching book, edited by Ioan Bob Greek-catholic bishop, Part Three, Blaj, 1805. General analysis of volume and information on the copy from Museum of Romanian Spiritu­ ality, Sfântu Gheorghe, Covasna County.


In 2013 was developed a cultural project „Digitizing ancient and bibliophile books from 1st Orthodox Pa­ rish  from Sfântu  Gheorghe”,  with  funding  from the National Cultural Fund  Administration.  Activities were held  at the Museum of Romanian  Spirituality.  During  the project 100  books were analyzed  and  the project may  be continued  by  other,  similar projects,  the fund  being  much  more consistent.  On  this occasion  some books were remarkable by the fact that several priests and parish clerks wrote impressions or just made sig­ natures on these volumes. For the present paper we studied one of the most important volumes from the collection. The volume was published in Blaj, in 1805, and contains teachings for the priests on different occasions. The full title of the volume is a long one: “Christian teachings about vanity of the world, and the duty of man from each state from the holy writings gathered,  and  hardened  on  short for an  easier understanding  and  advantage on  Romanian  tongue,  settled  by the holy and illuminated Sir his Excellency Ioan Bob, bishop of Făgăraș and inward counsellor of His Imperial and Royal Highness.” The book was published in three different volumes, from which by the present time we found just the 3rd volume. The preservation state of the copy is fair. These volumes were intended  to  explain  Greek-Catholic dogma and  moral theology.  It actually  proposed a behavioural model promoting  asceticism,  of monastic inspiration.  The book  addresses the Greek-Catholic clergy, proposing behavioural code in the community. Some of the most important information on this volume is historical ones. The book is a valuable docu­ mentary  source providing  information  about the parishes where that volume was used.  Handwritten  notes on the copy containing the names of the priests, of an archpriest, and even the name of the faithful from the parishes where the book  was used,  provide information  that fills in  the knowledge regarding  the deanery from Poian and about Greek- Catholic priests from Lisnău, Ghidfalău și Arcuș. We presented the handwritten notes on the copy. Unfortunately some letters were deleted over time, while in other places the writing was illegible. All the recovered elements and texts were analyzed. Besides the priest’s information, some handwrit­ ten  notes present traditional means for the treatment of pain.  None of the texts with  remedies is dated  or signed, but judging from the embodiment of the letters, the alphabet used and the Romanian language used, all three notes date from the 19th century. Looking for analogies for this volume and trying to count how many copies of the book are preserved, we found out that there are several copies that survived the Second World War and the subsequent persecution of the Greek-Catholic priests.  Until now we have been  able to  identify  several copies in  Orthodox  parishes and libraries in Romania, places which we mentioned on a map (Pl. 5/2). The book presented in this paper is one of the most valuable documentary sources on the Greek-Catholic priests from Covasna County in 19th century. Both the multitude of records and very interesting route of this book  qualify  it among  the primary  sources of information  on  priests and  Greek-Catholic communities.  The value of the volume is highlighted by the fact that it survived during the wars, but especially in the hard times of the Greek-Catholic persecution by the communist regime during the 6th decade of the 20th century.

Claudia M. BONŢA
„Transilvania în imagini pitoreşti şi originale”. Studiu de caz
Transylvania in original and picturesque imagines. Case study

Transylvania in original and picturesque imagines. Case study


The present study  intends to  offer general data regarding  the image of Transylvania in  the 19th century presenting  some of the engravings depicting  the Transylvanian  spaces,  drawn  by  Ludwig  Rohbock  for the volume Hungary and Transylvania in images, edited between 1856-1864 at Darmstadt. Our research presents briefly the large series of prints from the third volume of the book, dedicated exclusively to Transylvania. The increased  interest in  tourism and  in  distant lands is transformed  through  engravings in  valuable documents of the period presenting landscapes and touristic vedutas, towns and villages, city views and castles, images describing the beauty of the Transylvanian space of the time.

Petre DIN
Dinicu Golescu, peregrinul român în Elveţia şi Italia
Dinicu Golescu, the Romanian pilgrim in Switzerland and Italy

Dinicu Golescu, the Romanian pilgrim in Switzerland and Italy


Numerous assessments have been attributed to Romanian scholar Dinicu Golescu in the last 180 years sin­ ce saw the light of day his fundamental work for the becoming of modern Romania – „Notes of my journey. Constantin Radovici din Golești”, opera written in the years 1824, 1825, 1826. Despite the fact that there he had made another two trips, to France (1802) and Russia (1823), only travels in the years 1824,1825 and 1826 have set him in posterity as a symbol of the national revival from the lethargy of the Phanariot century. The volume provides comparatively economic, social and political aspects of Western Europe and Roma­ nian  Country  in  the mentality  of a nobleman,  Dinicu  Golescu,  promoter of Enlightenment philosophy.  The Romanian  scholar argues for a modern  administration  in  the Romanian  space/area,  for economic develop­ ment through  the establishment of factories,  for development of education  by  establishing  schools with  free access of young and by imposing new relationships between politicians and residents of Romanian Land.

Studenţi români din Ţinutul Năsăudului înscrişi pe listele Facultăţilor de Medicină din Monarhia Austro-Ungară. Corespondenţa acestora cu Administraţia Fondurilor Grănicereşti
The Romanian students from the Năsăud region enrolled on the lists of the Faculties of Medicine in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Their correspondence with the Administration of the Border Funds

The Romanian students from the Năsăud region enrolled on the lists of the Faculties of Medicine  in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Their correspondence with the Administration of the Border Funds


The present study represents a part of a more complex area related to the peregrinatio academica of Roma­ nian  students originating  from Transylvania,  emphasizing  the ones who  attended  the Faculties of Medicine (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy). At the end of the 19th century, the option for medical school became a phenomenon. With the support of the Romanian foundations, the future doctors have fulfilled their dreams. Our fo­ cus will be on the scholarships offered by Administration of the Border Funds. The aim is to explain which were the reasons for choosing this profession (despite the fact that studies involved high costs, in Transylvania the doctors were poorly paid), but most of all to highlight their career after graduation, in a dinamic period regar­ ding the medical science.

Din istoricul băncii „Coroana” din Bistrița (1903-1919)
Aperçus de l’histoire de la banque « Coroana » de Bistriţa (1903-1919)

Aperçus de l’histoire de la banque « Coroana » de Bistrița (1903-1919)


Dans l’élan de la vie économique des roumains transylvains, les institutions bancaires ont joué un rôle de poids. A côté de la banque « Bistrițiana » à Bistrița, la banque « Coroana » s’est faite remarquer par son appui économique offert à des centaines et des milliers de propriétaires fonciers, qui ont réussi dans leur écrasante majorité à améliorer leurs conditions matérielles par des crédits utilisés pour moderniser leur ménage,  pour l’achat des outils agricoles, des nouvelles races d’animaux ou nouvelles variétés des céréales, pour l’extension de leurs propriétés agricoles ou forestières.  A leur tour, les membres de la direction et les principaux actionnaires de la banque « Coroana » ont élargie leur influence par des contacts permanents avec la nombreuse clientèle du département participant non seule­ ment au  processus de la modernisation de l’économie rurale et urbaine, mais s’impliquant également dans le développement de la culture et de la conscience civique des roumains de Bistrița.

Un proiect de „regionalizare” a României din anul 1921. Cazul județului Bistrița-Năsăud
A project of ’’regionalization’’ of Romania from the year 1921. The case of Bistriţa-Năsăud county

A project of „regionalization” of Romania from the year 1921. The case of Bistrița-Năsăud county.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs led in 1921 a project of administrative distribution of the Romanian admi­ nistrative counties in 9 regions.  The autor publishes a series of 15 documents related to the point of view of the local management, the different associations and  organizations and  personalities of the Bistrița-Năsăud  county  and  includes another 7 documents from the year 1919 appended as answers to the same matter, documents that were addressed to the Dirigent Council.

Elena Elisabeta PLENICEANU
Lucian Blaga de la Lisabona la Bistrița. Colecția de azulejos
Lucian Blaga from Lisbon to Bistrița. The Ajulezo collection

Lucian Blaga from Lisbon to Bistrița. The Ajulezo collection.


At the end of his diplomatic mission in Portugal (1938-1939), Lucian Blaga bought a farm on the border of Bistrița, Citadel Hill, as a place for rest and creative space, delighted by the view found it here, where his sister Letitia lived  otherwise.  The movement of the University  of Cluj,  following  the Vienna Diktat’s 1940 in  Sibiu,  meant abandoning  the newly  purchases building.  At the initiative of Professor Leonida Dănilă to arrange a museum house Bistrita in the rooms of the house, Dorii Blaga, gave him some objects belonging to the poet – between them, six boxes with faiance tile, purchased in Lusitania, who arrived in the heritage of Bistrita Museum. They contain 125 tiles, ajulezo, from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, specific to the Portuguese art. They decorated the facades and interiors of buildings: palaces, churches, villas, public spaces. By combining those plates it could provide compositions of great diversity: landscapes, historical or biblical scenes,  wallpaper shaped  decor.  Ajulezo  plates donated  by  Blaga belong  to  these types of decor: with  ara­ besques, geometric, floral, zoomorphic and their color is blue with white or white, blue and yellow or orange.

Județul Bistrița-Năsăud în anul 1947
Bistriţa-Năsăud county in 1947

Bistrița-Năsăud county in 1947


Further of the analysis that the author takes regarding the period following the end of the Second World War and the establishment of the communist regime in Romania, this study analyzes based on archival docu­ ments, the Bistrița-Năsăud county situation, in 1947. The poor economic situation accentuated by the severe drought which  affected  most of the regions of the country,  was also  accentuated  in  Bistrița-Năsăud.  Quota system,  poor harvests and  the oppressive regime stressed  out a state of discontent of the population,  the authorities seeking  to  counteract these actions by  force: purges in  the local public administration  govern­ ment,  prosecution  and  conviction  of the members and  supporters of the historical parties,  strengthening  the repressive apparatus.  The methods and  actions taken  by  the Communists are analyzed  in  their endeavor to seized power, also the way in which hostile forces were annihilated and the regime brought to light obedient and corrupted intellectually characters.

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Recenzie. Dosarul poetul

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