Anul: 2009

Editor: Complexul Muzeal
ISSN: 1222-5096

Depozitul de bronzuri de la Uriu (I)
Das Bronzedepot van Uriu (I)

Das bronzedepot von Uriu (I)


Das Bronzedepot von Uriu gelangte 1911 ins Museum aus Cluj. Nach mehr als 20 Jahren wurde es in einem kurzen  Aufsatz,  ohne Beschreibung  der Fundstücke und ohne Präziesierung deren Dimenssionen, aber mit guten Abbildungen, von M. Roska publiziert. Der Fund  von  Uriu  hat eine Schlüsselposition  für die Feststellung  der typologisch-chronologischen Eingliederung  und  Deutung  der siebenbürgischen  spätbronzeitlichen  Metalldeponierungen.  Die vollständige Veröffentlichung des Fundes, nach ungefähr 100 Jahre seit seiner Entdeckung, ist notwendig. Es werden ebenfalls auch andere Bronzefunde von Uriu (a. Nackenscheibenaxt; b. Bronzering, Bronzeperlen, verzierte Bronzeplattenfragmente; c. Tüllenhammer [Tüllenbeil ?]) beschrieben. Die deutschsprachige Fassung dieses Artikels wird in Bronzefunde aus Rumänien IV (Hrsg. T. Soroceanu; in Vorbereitung) publiziert.

Corneliu GAIU
Un cuptor de ars ceramică de la sfârşitul epocii bronzului
Un four a ceramique de l’age du bronze tardif

Un four à céramique de l’age du bronze tardif


Dans l’habitat de Stupini «Fânațele Archiudului» on a identifie des niveaux d’habitation datant de différentes périodes,  depuis l’énéolithique jusqu’au  Moyen  Age tardif.  Les plus consistants niveaux  appartiennent à l’époque romaine et des VIIIe – IXe siècles après J.C., tandis que les moins consistants datent de l’age du bronze, leur noyau étant situe sur la terrasse médiane de la partie de limite de l’habitat. Le complexe, présenté et note la fosse 28, a été identifie dans la section S31 en 2001. C’était une fosse simple, a forme circulaire, affectée par les fouilles d’une fosse de provisions romaine qui avait détruit plus de 2/3 du complexe d’age du bronze. Les parois de la fosse étaient marquées d’une grosse couche de matériaux brûles, et. a l’intérieur de la fosse, on a trouve une partie de la charge du four, avec les pots ranges les uns dans les autres, dont les parois étaient brûlées jusqu’à la vitrification et déformées par le feu. Faute d’indices concernant le type de four et le moyen  de fonctionnement,  seul le matériel céramique, a savoir pots et écuelles en pâte rougeâtre ou marron-grisâtre, grumeleuse on fine, nous indique la possible destination de la fosse. Les formes céramiques et les éléments décoratifs (proéminences, boutons et cannelures), sont la preuve que cette découverte appartient caractéristique pour l’espace intracarpatique par l’interférence des éléments de la culture Noua et Wietenberg IV. Provenant  d’une  charge,  le  matériel  de  ce  complexe  reflète  un  moment  de  l’évolution  de  cet  horizon culturel, liée à l’activité d’un céramiste qui desservait la communauté établie dans cet habitat

Piese sculpturale din castrul roman de la Sutoru
Roman Sculptures from the Roman Fort at Sutoru

Roman Sculptures from the Roman Fort at Sutoru


In 2001, archaeological researches began at the Roman Fort at Sutoru, during which a lot of new information about the settelment was discovered. Included in the finds, where two funerary stones which have led to a reconsideration  of other Roman  sculptures found  at this site and  provided  a basis for a proper study  to  be undertaken  regarding  Roman  Sculptures from the Roman  fort at Sutoru.  When  this archaeological research began, a survey was undertaken in the locality, which uncovered four new sculptural pieces. It is the first time, that all the sculptural pieces form this site, have been placed in a study together.

The catalogue includes:

  1. A rectangular block belonging to a funerary monument with an inscription of Aurelius Bassus a signifer in the military unit of N[umeri)l M(aurorum) O(ptatianensium).
  2. An altar with an inscription offered to a third century emperor with the name erased.
  3. A funerary stela with two registers in a rectangular niche. In the relief field there is a representation of a calo and the inscription field mentions the soldier Aurelius Masinnifus?).
  4. Two walls from an aedicula with the same dimensions, with an orifice for fixings where the roof was put. They both have the same representation, a horseman on the upper part and a female on the lower part.
  5. A fragment of a stela with a horseshoe-shaped niche and a copying with two funerary lions.
  6. Fragment of a left lateral wall of an aedicula with a horseman representation.
  7. Fragment of a left lateral wall of an aedicula with a camillus representation.
  8. Fragment of a funerary lion.
  9. Fragment of a toscan capital.
  10. A column base

This study shows that sometime at the beginning of the third century at Sutoru a local stone workshop was flourishing, with orders for several complex funerary constructions, base statues for the emperor and monuments with some specific iconography, clearly influenced by the stone workshops from Porolissum center. The latest monuments discovered provide us with new and intriguing information regarding the sculptural roman art from the Sutoru fort and civilian settlement. The most important achievement of this study was the reinterpretation of monuments number one and  four which  enabled  an  almost entire reconstruction  of a funerary  aedicula. Another interesting remark is the fact that four of the monuments bear a horseman representation which seems to be a particularity of the local stone workshop. Another important issue that we accomplished was to make some solid dating, using analogies from the nearby provinces, particularly Pannonia. The research of the Roman fort is only at the beginning, we believe that future excavations at the site will prove or disprove our hypothesis and make clear statements about Roman art from the Roman fort at Sutoru.

Vorliiufige Ergebnisse der Phosphatkartierung im romischen Kastell von Breţcu
Prospecţiuni geomagnetice în castrul roman de la Breţcu

Prospecțiuni geomagnetice în castrul roman de la Brețcu


Rezultate preliminare ale cartării fosforului în castrul roman de la Brețcu.

Nota de față prezintă rezultatele cartării fosforului din  interiorul castrului de la Brețcu.  Metoda cartării de fosfați nu  este una noua în  arheologie,  dar implementarea ei era îngreunată de problemele măsurărilor în  condiții de laborator.  Odată cu  apariția spectrometrelor mobile s-a ivit posibilitatea optimizării acestor măsurări. Specificul măsurărilor de la Brețcu constă în îmbinarea acestei metode cu rezultatele prospecțiunilor geomagnetice. Acest proiect a fost conceput drept un proiect-pilot, care să ajute pe viitor la elaborarea unor strategii noi de cercetare a obiectivelor de pe limes.

Câteva piese sculpturale din Dacia Porolissensis
A Few Sculptura] Pieces from Dacia Porolisenssis

A Few Sculptural Pieces from Dacia Porolissensis


The present study includes a series of roman sculptural monuments from the Huedin region, from Cluj county, that appears mentioned in past bibliography, but have never been studied properly. All these scuptures have been inserted in the walls of the local churches, or in the stone fences that enclose them.

The monuments are:

  • a left lateral wall of an aedicula from Aghireșu (pl. I, fig. 1) with two registers, on the upper part a bust of a female character, the lower part with the representation of a Camilla.
  • a fragment of a funerary stela from Văleni (pl. I, fig. 2) with the representation of the funerary banquet with three characters.
  • a coping from Mănăstireni (pl. I, fig. 3) with two lions from a funerary stela with the head of the Medusa beetween the lions.
  • a funerary lion from Sfăraș (pl. II, fig. 1) belonging to a funerary construction.
  • a left lateral wall of an aedicula from Turea (pl. II, fig. 2 a-b) with a representation of a camilia.
  • two fragments from Izvorul Crișului: the first one,  a right lateral wall of an  aedicula with  the representation of Attis (pl. Ill, fig. 1 a-b); the second one, a relief with probably a representation of a huntig scene(pl. Ill, fig. 2 a-b).

Nicolae GUDEA
Prăbuşirea apărării romane de frontieră la Dunărea de Mijloc şi de Jos după 378 cu privire specială la provincia Dacia Ripensis
The Fall of the Border Defence on Lower and Middle Danube after 378 with Special Regard to the Northern Border of Dacia Ripensis

The Fall of the Border Defence on Lower and Middle Danube after 378  with Special Regard to the Northern Border of Dacia Ripensis
In the first part of his work the author (N. Gudea) surveys the territorial and political evolution of the Goths starting from the middle of the 3rd century up to 376 [Bierbrauer 1994; Harhoiu 1990; Magomedov 2001). The great gothic attack from the middle of the 3rd century in the area of Lower Danube,, were followed by a relative calmness, distrubed only by the conflicts from Constantinus’ time. After the 376 treaty the Goths were accepted as federates in the Empire and owing to reasons, much discussed until now, the conflict was released which brought about the distruction of the Roman army (Hadrianopolis 378).
Four categories of historical and archaeological sources have been analysed:
a. texts of ancient authors (contemporaries with the events) presenting the military events from the provinces of the Lower Danube;
b. the list of certain events constituting (economical, social and demographical) results of the military situation after 378;
c. the list of latest monetary discoveries in fortifications situated on the northern border of Dacia Ripensis;
d. informations about the archaeological situation from these fortifications, which indicates a massive distruction level, datable to the end of the 4th century.
On the basis of outcoming dates from these four categories of sources the conclusions concerning the situation of the border and the provinces after Hadrianopolis battle would be as follows:
– the provinces from the Lower and Middle Danube (Pannonia II, Moesia I, Dacia Ripensis, Moesia II, Scythia Minor, Dardania, Dacia Mediteraneea etc.) were lost fot the Empire;
– the Goths did not fulfil their obligations as federates and passed to a brutal robbery of the provinces (towns, villages, forts etc.);
– the border fortifications were distroyed; other barbarians were crossing the river, taking active part in the robbery;
– the border army ceased to exist; the troops of the central army withdraw in Thracia and Greece (the emperor being at Thassaloniki);
– the territories from the north of the Balkan Mountains were lost for 20 years, being depopulated, with a destroyed Roman economy.

Chilia- subiect de dispută între Mircea cel Bătrân şi Alexandru cel Bun
Kilie- sujet de dispute entre Mircea l’Ancien et Alexandre le Bon

Kilie – sujet de dispute entre Mircea l’Ancien et Alexandre le Bon


Pendant l’an 1400, par suite de l’aide politique et militaire offerte pour occuper le trône de la Moldavie, Mircea l’Ancien  à imposé à Alexandre le Bon  une substantielle rectification  de démarcation  a la frontière entre les deux  pays.  Bien  qu’elle soit acceptée par le prince de la Moldavie,  cette prétention  territoriale a indu  un  puissant état de tension  dans les rapports bilatérales.  A une date comprise entre 8  octobre 1408 et 1411,  profitant du  fait que le prince de la Valachie était pris dans des puissantes luttes avec les Turcs au sud de la Dobroudja, dans la zone de Silistra, Alexandre le Bon a procédé lui-même, unilatéralement, à une rectification de frontière avec la Valachie, passant dans son propre intérêt sous la domination la cité Kilie et son hinterland, jusqu’alors sous la possession valaque. Son acte a intensifié en plus les tensions existantes déjà dans les rapports moldo-valaques. Environ l’an 1413, situé à la apogée de son pouvoir, Mircea a re-incorporé à son pouvoir les régions des bouches du Danube, situées «vers les parties tatares», avec la cité Lykostomo mais non  la Kilie,  la possession  de laquelle il contenait encore la revendiquer indirectement.  Celle-ci avait rester encore une décennie sous la possession de la Moldavie.

Mihai Florin HASAN
Informaţii despre prezenţa ţiganilor în voievodatul Transilvaniei şi comitatele vecine în secolele XW-XV
Information concerning Gypsies and their Presence in Transylvania and Neighboring Counties between XIVth and XVth Centuries

Information concerning Gypsies and their Presence in Transylvania  and Neighboring Counties between XIVth and XVth Centuries
In this article, I tried to reveal the situation of gypsies inside Transylvanian borders between the XIVth and XVth centuries. As it looks from primary sources, which I used, the number of those gypsies is small and their presence in the southeastern corner of the Hungarian kingdom is purely incidental in that period.
Their presence after 1501 is due, I suppose, to the migration of this ethnicity from Wallachia or other areas. It is unclear how those identified gypsies settled in Transylvanian counties during XIVth-XVth centuries,  but it is clear that their number do not permit a deep research upon them in those times.

Claudia M. BONŢA
Recuperarea Ungariei: eliberarea Budei şi medaliile celebrative emise. Studiu iconografie
Reconquist of Hungary: The Holy League took Buda

Reconquist of Hungary: The Holy League took Buda


The unsuccessful second siege of Vienna by the Turks in 1683 started the Great Turkish War (1662-1699), an imperial campaign for the re-conquest of Hungary. The Battle of Buda was fought between the Holy League and Ottoman Turkey: after a long siege the Holy League took Buda. One of the propaganda instruments in the Great Turkish War was the medal art. Fifteen medals in the medal collection of the National History Museum of Transylvania from Cluj-Napoca were chosen to present the way the Habsburg’s have percept their victory at Buda in 1686.

Biserica românească din Bistriţa – 1792
L’eglise roumaine de Bistriţa – 1792

L’église roumaine de Bistrița – 1792
L’étude présent un aspect fondamental de la vie des roumains bistritzois à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Il s’agit  de la construction de l’église roumaine aux alentours de murs de la ville de Bistrița, dans un endroit avec un bon emplacement appelé « în Maici ». On publie à cette occasion des importants documents tels le protocole du mois de décembre 1788 par lequel on a pris la décision de ramasser les fonds nécessaires, las listes des bailleurs, l’aménagement des objets de culte dans la nouvelle église en 1792, la donation de la table de l’autel de 1794 etc. L’église mise sous le patronage de « L’Entrée dans l’Eglise de la Vierge » a été un répère pour les roumains de Bistrița dans la période 1792-1895. Après l’achat, suite des insistantes négociations (1893-1895) de l’église de l’ancien couvent des frères mineurs de Bistrița ; l’ancienne église roumaine du XVille siècle a été cédé au roumains de Lechința.

Petre DIN
Ioan Slavici între spiritul etic şi acuzaţia de colaboraţionism 1918-1925
Ioan Slavici between Ethical Spirit of Collaboration and Charge 1918-1925

Ioan Slavici between Ethical Spirit of Collaboration and Charge 1918-1925
Transylvanian people oppressed by the regime installed in 1867, campaigned for a return so the status of autonomy within the Habsburg monarchy, participation in state leadership, education of all levels and egual righ with the Hungarian nation. Union with Romania has newer bween officially formulated until the ordbreak of the First World War According to Lucian Boia it exist in imaginary Romanian elite of Great Romania was not current in 1914.
Ioan Slavici integrates the elite who considere the project should be run temporarily unifying the cultural coordinates. As au argument for his idea, he invoked the unification of the German and Italian State. As Nicolae Manolescu mentioned, that paradoxically the tolerance is lost on the shave. During the unfolding war, the writer did not collaborate with the occuper. In Bukarester Tageblatt he workes just as a corrector of woritten texts. The articles written in the Bucharest Gazette discharges him of collaborationism, imposed by court martial in 1919 and which for he executed elewen monthes of preson. Despite public refusal he remained a loyal supporter of the Austrian monarchy.

Andra Carola PINCA
Aspecte privind perioada prenatală şi naşterea în mediul rural din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea
Aspects regarding the Antenatal Period and the Birth in the Rural World of Transylvania in the second half of the XIXth Century

Aspects regarding the Antenatal Period and the Birth in the Rural World of Transylvania in the second half of the XIXth Century
The perpetuation of the mankind was the most important task of the woman in order of nature but also of culture; she fills her mission by giving birth. The first year of marriage usualty brought the first baby. In the traditional society, the rituals, the magical believes have a very important role; they appear everywhere and in any contexts, but especially in significant events in every person’s life: birth, wedding, funeral. The natal believes made of woman’s body an endless source of danger. During the pregnancy the woman was preoccupied to respect all the taboos; if they were not respected they could have negative consequences which could have cause even the child’s death. Through magical methods and superstition they tried also to determine the unborn child’s sex.
Birth was an important moment in a woman’s life and at the same time a strict private and feminine act. The main role during birth, in the traditional rural world was still kept by the midwife. Even now magic had its well determined role. If the woman couldn’t give birth, if she was in big pains, or any other problem appeared it was solved also through magic. Because of the precarious knowledge and the lack of qualified staff, because of the lack of hygiene or because of the mother’s living conditions, child death rate was ver big.
During the XIXth century it can be seen that the illegitimate birth keep growing, showing a slow erosion of traditional mentality.
Birth – the first rite of passing – has the role to make the coming-out from the old stage and going-in in the next to be done according to rules imposed by the representation system of community. The customs related to this period make us think to an archaic world whose complexity has been transmitted during the centuries

Contribuţii documentare privind evoluţia judeţului Năsăud. Sinteza pentru perioada 1932-1937.
Contributions documentaires concernant l’evolution du departement de Năsăud. La synthese des annees 1932-1937.

Contributions documentaires concernant l’évolution du département de Năsăud. La synthèse des années 1932-1937.


Le présent article comprend  la synthèse,  pour une période moyenne,  de l’évolution  du  département appuyée sur la synthèse élaborée par l’agence de Bistrița de la Banque Nationale de Roumanie. Le titre établi a été celui de Monographie économique du département de /Vâsâud,1938. Les renseignements sont structurées en 7 chapitres, composés comme des réponses à un questionnaire élaboré au niveau central.

Le premier chapitre présente les données générales concernant l’étendue territoriale et la  description physique ; le deuxième chapitre, dont on retient la proportion ethnique de 68,77 pour cent des roumains et 31,23 étrangers et proportions professionnelle de 70,63 agriculteurs et 29,37 autres métiers. Les plus consistent des chapitre est le troisième, dédié à la situation économique. On peut y retirer, premièrement la structure de la propriété foncière, où la petite propriété domine (33.206 propriétés dont la surface ne dépasse pas 10 ha), suivie par la moyenne (4.643 propriétés) et la grande (79 propriétés). A côté de celles-ci, grâce à la Réforme Agraire d’après la première guerre mondiale, 3.420 paysans ont reçu des terres et encore 1.015 paysans ont en acheté. Le trait principal a été le morcellement de la propriété, à cause de la vente et de la division par héritage. L’analyse comprend des intéressantes considérations concernant le prix de la terre et son taux d’impôt.

Le quatrième chapitre, dédié aux questions du capital et du crédit, présente l’activité bancaire – dont les unités admises à réescompter ou non sont considérées satisfaisante par la Banque Nationale et le système de coopération de crédit, production et consomation satisfaisait en bonne partie les besoins de la population.

Les Ve  chapitre présente des considérations sur les finances publiques locales, avec l’analyse dans domaine des impôts dus à l’Etat (directement ou indirectement), au département, aux communes, ayant pour principale source l’impôt agricole, commercial et salariale.

Les considérations du  VIe       chapitre, dédidé au niveau de vie sont intéressantes. L’analyse met en évidence  des traits marquants, concrétisés par l’énorme différence entre le milieu urbain et le milieu rurale, la différence entre les habitants des régions fertiles du  département,  les saxons,  et ceux  des régions moins favorables, montagneuses, les roumains; les premiers mangent habituellement du pain, comme nourriture principale, les derniers du lait et de la polente ; la mentalité et les contraintes de la vie religieuse – le jeûne est vu comme une forme d’économie dans le milieu rurale et non comme une expression du sentiment religieux. C’est également intéressante l’analyse de la rentabilité d’une ferme paysanne moyenne – 10  ha – qui assurait,  par l’usage exclusif de la force du travail de la famille seulement la subsistance qui caractérise principalement la vie des campagnes.

Sesiunea de comunicări
Asociaţionismul transilvan în secolele XIX-XX

Forme alternative de asociere. Structuri elitare gregare în viaţa politică a românilor din Ungaria (1869-1896). O perspectivă teoretică.
Alternative Forms of Association. Gregarious Elite Structures in the Politica] Life of Romanians in Hungary (1869-1896). A Theoretical Perspective

Alternative Forms of Association. Gregarious Elite Structures in the Political Life of Romanians in Hungary (1869-1896). A Theoretical Perspective


The paper deals with the use of pluralism in the study of the Romanian political elite in Hungary between 1869 and 1896. Because further research is needed in order to properly evaluate the virtual Romanian political interest groups from the 19,h century, until well-founded conclusions will be brought into existence, a substitute term had  to  be used: gregarious elite structures. The study  points to  six  possible interest groups that need further research  along  with  other influential political actors,  and  then  offers a brief preview of the interest groups theories. The main section of the paper proposes a key for approaching this very generous political and nationalist topic in a pluralist way. First comes the point that no western theory can be used without previous reconsiderations and that virtual interest groups spring out from inside the so-called Romanian political elite. This imposes a derogation from the laws of the power theories: instead of seeing elite theories and pluralism as alternative means of explanation, one should try to mingle with them in order to create an adequate pattern for thê study of this particularly special elite. Second: the birth, the composing elements and the objectives of an interest group are evaluated separately in order to create a sketch and to offer a comparison term. By using and adapting this sketch future research will be able to evaluate which Romanian elite structures in Hungary could be taken into account as interest groups. In the end, rather then proposing conclusions, the study underlines the necessity  of alternative approach in the field of the Romanian 19lh century political elite and the future possibilities opened by the adapted use of pluralist theories.

Cornelia Nicoleta VLAŞIN
Rolul Fondurilor Grănicereşti Năsăudene
The Role of Nasaud Border Guards’ Funds

The Role of Nasaud Border Guards’ Funds


The Nasaud Bording Funds had a history that individualised them among the other funds in Transylvania. The contribution of the Bording Funds to the development of the Romanian education was one of the most important in the history of Transylvania. Their efforts, in Austrian currency was about 1.934.000 florins.  An important contribution of the Stipend Fond can be noticed in preparing the young-men following the high school, average and job schools. They gave 2977 schoolarships of 434.551 florins.

Cadrul intelectual al asocierii între idei şi realizări în Districtul Năsăud (1861-1876)
Intellectual Framework of Association between Ideas and Achievements in Năsăud District

Intellectual Framework of Association between Ideas and Achievements in Năsăud District


Former territory of the Border Regiment from Năsăud constituted a permanent source of recruitment and training of the Romanian intellectuals. This happened especially during the existence of the Năsăud District, when the involvement in the national movement of Romanians from Transylvania was more consistent. The result was defined by the association of intellectuals from here on general ideas of the Romanian nation.

In the newly created framework during the existence of the Năsăud District the author examines the idea of association at intellectual level and the structures that resulted.

A first level was that of institutional framework,  in  which  are examined  the considered  forms in  the Romanian  Casina Society  /the Năsăud  Intellectuals Society  and  the involvement in  material and  spiritual support of ASTRA/the Romanian People’s Association for Literature and Culture.

Another level was that of donations and testamentary legacy / wills, which have formed the material basis of funds and private foundation, created to serve the common good. Reflected in numerous similar foundations, the support has materialized in the financial support of many intellectuals, especially during their schooling, from trades practice studies, then the secondary and higher education.

Additional associations outlined to another level of expression the idea of association, both locally and to the most general of the District as a whole. There were created or designed charitable societies, science and art meetings, scientific meetings, meetings of intellectuals reading companies.

All these forms have resulted from the associative nature of the organization itself – even if imposed – of the military  structure represented  by  the Border Regiment from Năsăud  and  which  was perpetuated  in  the existing period of The Năsăud District.

For example, there is shown in the annex the statute draft of the Science and Art Meeting from Năsăud District.

Iulia-Maria POP
Reuniunea „Mariana” a învăţătorilor greco-catolici din Năsăud. Statute şi forme de organizare.
The „Mariana” Reunion ofthe Greek-Catholic Teachers in Nasaud. Statutes and Forms of Organization

The ’’Mariana” Reunion of the Greek-Catholic Teachers in Nasaud.  Statutes and Forms of Organization


In  the Romanian  provinces which  were under Austrian-Hungarian  domination,  the Romanian  school masters of Greek-Catholic confession  constituted  seven  professional associations,  called  reunions,  organized on the model of German and Hungarian schoolmaster’s reunions. The article explains the way of constitution of the Greek-Catholic schoolmasters from the Năsăud and it renders new information about the structure and the provisions included in the first internal statutes of functioning. Structurally speaking, these statutes comprise chapters and sub-chapters which provide information about the purpose of the reunion, the officials and the obligations of its members, about the activity, the forms of manifestation and the means used in order to reach some wishes established beforehand. All this information completes the scientific circuit and it contributes of the unitary recovery of the history of the professional associations, of the local history viewed as an integral part of the national history.

Iosif Marin BALOG, Anişoara BALOG
Institute şi societăţi de asigurare din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Rolul lor în promovarea asociaţionismului şi spiritului de solidaritate
Institutions and Insurance Companies in Transylvania in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Their Ro le in Promoting the Spirit of Association and Solidarity

Institutions and Insurance Companies in Transylvania in the Second Half of the  Nineteenth Century. Their Role in Promoting the Spirit of Association and Solidarity


The study  covers the role played  by  institutes and  insurance companies in  Transylvania in  the second half of the 19th  century  in  promoting  ideas and  principles of association  and  spirit of solidarity.  There are a form of association practiced in Transylvanian society, an expression of guiding energies in the service of common goals. The case study refers to the Insurance Company of the Romanian-Saxon “Transilvania” which was established  on  the principle of solidarity  cooperative,  voluntary  association  and  collective responsibility, as a successful example of how the company operated in the spirit of association Transylvanian half a century ago and even at inter-ethnic level.

Asociaţionism şi grupări politice la saşii ardeleni în deceniul 7 al secolului al XIX
Associationism and Political Groupings in the case ofTransylvanian Saxons in the 7th decade of the 19th century

Associationism and Political Groupings in the case of Transylvanian Saxons in the 7th decade of the 19th century


The 7th decade of the 19lh century brings forth a modification in the juridical status of Transylvanian
Saxons, who become from privileged nation a minority inside a nation state. This fact would determine, on the one hand, the national Transylvanian Saxon movement to reach its modern stage with the appearance of political groupings, which would later result in the formation of the Popular Transylvanian Saxon Party after the compromise of Medias in 1872.
On the other hand, the Saxon University loses its leading role, its place being taken by the Evangelical Church, and within the same period, we come across a surge of the associationist movement. We deal with a multitude of associations, ranging from cultural ones to commercial and including those of a tourist or sporting nature.
Their role within ethnic solidarity was of utmost importance, no matter the degree in which they managed to get involved in the extremely agitated political life of the Transylvanian Saxons. They managed to unite people sharing the same ideals and aspirations, their aim was the flourishing of the nation, in spite of the hardships it was daily confronted with.

Rolul fundaţiilor personale administrate de „Fondurile grănicereşti năsăudene” în dezvoltarea învăţământului din ţinutul Năsăudului. Studiu de caz: Fundaţia „Locotenent George Pop din Leşu”
The Role of the Personal Foundations Administered by The „Nasa ud Border Guards’ Funds” in the Development of Education in the Nasa ud County. Case Study: The „George Pop Lieutenant of Lesu” Foundation

The Role of the Personal Foundations Administered by The “Nasaud Border Guards’ Funds” in the Development of Education in the Nasaud County.  Case Study: The ’’George Pop Lieutenant of Lesu” Foundation


The personal Foundations in the 2’nd Frontier Regiment’s area have had an important role in the education and  cultural development of the Năsăud  District.  The financial resources of those Foundations managed by  a just directorship  from the office of “Administration  of the Border Founds” (Administrația Fondurilor Grănicerești), have served not only the interest of the Năsâud’s students, but also those of the population, by having the role of in some aspects veritable mutual funds. Our wish is to bring forth a broad image about the role and the destiny of such a foundation. In doing so we present some chronological aspects that refer to the biography of Lieutenant George Pop, aspects that ultimately refer to the establishment, development, the statutes and role of a foundation that bears his name. Our option, to pay a special attention to the “Lieutenant George Pop” Foundation is motivated by the need to enrich the local historiography of the subject with an important and until now little known aspect.

Societatea de lectură a elevilor” Virtus Romana Rediviva” în perioada dualismului austro-ungar (1867-1918)
La societe de lecture des eleves ,,Virtus Romana Rediviva” pendant le dualisme austro-hongrois (1867-1918)

La société de lecture des élèves „Virtus Romana Rediviva” pendant le dualisme austro-hongrois (1867-1918)


On peut nommer le XIX siècle comme le siècle des associations dans la region de Transsylvanie. Faute d’institutions roumains l’associationisme a constitué un  facteur d’institutionalisation  dans toutes les domains d’activité pendant le XlX-éme siècle.  Pourtant,  les institutions roumains ne manquaient totalement.  Par exemple des telles institutions étaient l’ecole et l’eglise.  Pendant le dualisme austro-hongrois ces institutins ont été soumises aux  pressions de l’Etat hongrois.  Les autorités voulaient utiliser l’ecole comme un moyen d’assimilation de la population roumaine avec la population hongroise. Les association ont representeé un moyen d’eluder les restrictions scolaires imposée par l’Erat hongrois. Parmi les associations il ya une nommée „Virtus Romana Rediviva”. Etant preocupée par la problématique  scolaire de la région de Năsăud, j’ai decouverte que cette association a jue un roi important dans ce période.  C’était une association culturelle, fondée par les élèves du Gymnase greco-catholique de Năsăud. „Virtus Romana Rediviva” avait comme objectif de promovoir la lecture et de faire connaître les ouvrages de la literature roumaine a l’aide de la lecture des livres. L’activitée de cette societée a compris des seances literaire. la création d’une bibliothèque et aussi la rédaction de la revue nomée „Muza Someșană”. Cette societée a été un moyen d’enseignement suplimentaire. „Virtus Romana Rediviva” a marqué la renaissance de l’esprit critique dans la literature de la Transylvanie. Parmi sa function de rassembler les roumains, les associations ont constituée un moyen de maniféstation de la solidaritée nationalle.

Activitatea „Societăţii scriitorilor români” în Transilvania la început de secol XX
The Activity of The „Romanian Writers’ Society” in Transylvania at the Beginning of the 20th Century

The Activity of The “Romanian Writers’ Society” in Transylvania  at the Beginning of the 20th Century


The activity of the Romanian Writers’ Society in Transylvania at the beginning of the 20th century  This paper aims to analyze the Transylvanian sequence of the Romanian Writers’ Society at the beginning of the 20th century, Society that turned in 1949 into the Writers’ Union of Romania. Transylvania as part of the cultural project of this cultural society, the way this organism is received in Transylvania, the debates born around  its manifestations; the stake of the professionalization  of the writer constitute interesting  aspects for the research  of the romanian  cultural pre-war period.  The two  important celebrations in  which  this society is involved in Sibiu and Arad in 1911 represented events with a broad echo and implications not only in the literary field, but also in the political one.  Subsidiary,  our presentation concerns the professional identity dilemmas of the Transylvanian writers at the beginning of the 20th century.