Anul: 2015

Editor: Complexul Muzeal
ISSN: 1222-5096

Noi descoperiri aparţinând culturii Coţofeni
New archaeological discoveries belonging to the Coțofeni Culture

New archaeological discoveries belonging to the Coțofeni Culture


The article consists of a brief analysis of archaeological artefacts donated to the MNIT (National History Museum of Transylvania). These arte­ facts were discovered by chance in two previously unknown sites, both belonging to the Coțofeni culture. The material discovered at Colțești, Sub Cetate, belongs to the Coțofeni III phase, while the material from Sânpetru de Câmpie was most likely created during the culture’s second phase.

Monica TECAR, Mihai ROTEA, Luminiţa SĂSĂRAN
Două topoare perforate de piatră descoperite pe raza localității Someșu Rece, jud. Cluj
Two stone axes discovered in the village Someşu Rece (Cluj county)

Two stone axes discovered in the village Someșu Rece (Cluj county)


The article presents two stone axes (an axe/hammer and a battle axe), which were accidentally discovered in the village Someșu Rece (jud. Cluj). The artefacts were handed over to National History Museum of Transylvania in 2005. These artifacts were discovered together, on a slope with N-V exposure, far from the known prehistoric habitation of the area, which led to interpreting it as a ritual deposit. The complex can be dated in the Early Bronze Age and most likely assigned to the Coțofeni culture.

Un topor cu marginile ridicate descoperit la Sălicea, jud. Cluj
A flanged-axe discovered in the village Sălicea (Cluj county)

Acest articol nu are rezumat

Descoperiri din epoca bronzului de la Felnac (jud. Arad)
Bronzezeitliche Funde aus Felnac (Kr. Arad)

Bronzezeitliche Funde aus Felnac (Kr. Arad)


Ungefähr 1,5 km nord-westlich von dem Zentrum der Ortschaft Felnac (Kr. Arad), auf der Terasse des Mureș-Flusses, in der Flur La Vii, wurden am Anfang der 70er Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts die Gebäude einer zootechnischen Farm errichtet. Bei diesem Anlaß wurden mehrere hügelgräberzeitliche Gräber zerstört. Aus  den Gräberinventaren wurden trotzdem einige Stücke gerettet. Sie gelangten später in die Museen von Arad, Baia Mare, Oradea und Zalău. Es handelt sich um vier Petschaftkopfnadeln, eine Nadel mit doppelkonischem Kopf, eine Kugelkopfnadel, acht Armbänder, einen umgekehrt herzförmigen Anhänger sowie vier Gefäße (Abb. 2; 3,1-4. 6-7; 4,1-2), die in die Stufe Spätbronzezeit 1 (Reinecke Bz B2-C) eingereiht werden. Die Zugehörigkeit des Griffzungendolches Abb. 3,5 zu einem hügelgräberzeitlichen Grabinventar ist unwahrscheinlich.  In Felnac wurden auch eine Nackenscheibenaxt vom Typus B1 (Abb. 4, 4) sowie ein älterurnenfelderzeitliches Bronzedepot (vier Fundstücke – ein Bronzeknopf, ein Messer und zwei Sägeblätter Abb. 4, 6-9 – befinden sich im Museum von Oradea; zum Depot gehört eventuell auch der Griffzungendolch Abb. 3,5 ) entdeckt. Es werden noch 24 Bronzestücke (21 umgekert herzförmige Anhänger, ein Ring, eine Bronzeplatte, ein Armband – Abb. 5) vorgelegt, die wahr­ scheinlich aus  einem fundortlossen hügelgräberzeitlichen Grab (Gräber ?) aus  dem Banat stammen und gegenwärtig im Museum von Temeswar aufbewahrt werden. Ebenfalls hügelgräberzeitlich ist ein Dolchfragment aus Oföldeäk, Ungarn (Abb. 4,5).

Nicolae GUDEA
Note de lectură. VII. Contribuție la cunoașterea unor instrumente muzicale militare romane
Lektüreaufzeichnungen VII. Beiträgezur Kenntnisüber römische militärische Musik instrumente

Lektüreaufzeichnungen VII. Beiträgezur Kenntnisüber römische militärische Musik instrumente


Gudea hat im Buch von Judit Topäl (Țopăi 1981, Tafel XL, VII, Grab 153, Abb.21 ) eine Grabinschrift identifiziert, die im oberen Register (unter dem Text) eine Formation aus drei Bläsern [an der Flöte (tibia), Panflöte (syrinx) und Trompete (tuba)] identifiziert. Die beiden Musikinstrumente, Flöte und Panflöte, wurden in die ausführliche, den Bläsern aus dem römischen Heer gewidmete Monographie von Cristina G. Alexandrescu (Alexandrescu 2010) nicht aufgenommen. Der Autor möchte mit seiner Arbeit zur Kenntnis über die Musikinstrumente im römischen Heer beitragen, wobei er die Reihe der Blasininstrumente, die im Römerheer verwendet wurden, in diesem Fall für Pannonia Inferior ergänzt und darauf hinweist, daß auch die Hilfstruppen (in diesem Fall die cohors I Alpinorum equitata) für die sehr unterschiedlichen Signaltöne, die im römischen Heer üblich waren, über Bläserformationen verfügte. Es warden Analogien aus den Monographien über das Römerheer (Th. Fischer, M. Feugère) und aus den Büchern über römische Archäologie erwähnt.

Horațiu COCIȘ
Frontiera nordică a Daciei Porolissensis (I). Salva, jud. Bistrița-Năsăud
The north frontier of Dacia Porolissensis (I). Salva (Bistrița-Năsăud county)

The north frontier of Dacia Porolissensis (I). Salva (Bistrița-Năsăud county)


This papper deals with a less known frontiersector situated in the Northern part of Dacia Porolissensis, namely on the territory of Salva commune and Năsăud city (Bistrița-Năsăud county). By rediscovering the constituent elements of this part of the Roman frontier, identified for the first time by Transylvanian archaeologist, Istvan Ferenczi, the author tries to understand how the frontier actually worked using GIS methods, but not only. The observation made in the field, the analysis of the pottery and the post processing GIS methods showed that we deal here with a burgus-type structure and Roman towers that represents a cross frontier point located on a strategic plateau for overseeing the transition between Roman Empire and Barbaricum.

Considerații privind limes-ul roman de pe teritoriul județului Bistrița-Năsăud. Studiu de caz: sectorul Spermezeu-Perișor-Zagra-Salva-Năsăud (Raport preliminar)
Considerations on the Roman limes in the county of Bistrița-Năsăud. Study case: Spermezeu–Perișor–Zagra–Salva–Năsăud segment (Preliminary Report)

Considerations on the Roman limes in the county of Bistrița-Năsăud.  Study case: Spermezeu-Perișor-Zagra-Salva-Năsăud segment (Preliminary Report)


The Roman frontier from Bistrița-Năsăud County  is  part of Limes  Porolissensis  segment and runs  the route Ciceu Corabia-Negrilești Ciceu Poieni-Dobric-Spermezeu-Zagra-Salva-Năsăud-Livezile-Orheiul Bistriței.Within its  frame specific  elements  were identified, represented by  roman roads, observation towers, burgusi and castra. In terms of geography, this sector of limes occupies a hilly area, represented by Someșul Mare Hills (Ciceului Hills, Suplaiului Hills, Năsăud Hills) and Bistrița Hills, modeled on Miocene sedimentary rocks (conglomerates, sandstones, clay), volcanic formations (badenian / pannonian rhyodacites), the detailed landforms consists of polycyclic leveled ridges, marked with relatively flat sectors, sad­ dles and peaks (blunt, rounded), volcanic massives (Măgura Ciceului), slowly slopes, broad and deep valleys, erosional basins there were nesting settlements (Negrilești, Breaza, Ciceu Poieni) and vegetation made up of deciduous (Quercus, Carpinus, Fagus), hilly pastures and meadows.The tourist value of roman limes from Bistrița-Năsăud County is highlighted by: the landscape of high hills, sedative and tonic-stimulating climate, the al­ ternation of forests with grasslands, the presence of erosional landforms: peaks, steep, sandstone boulders etc. (ex. Ciceu Poieni) microcanyons (ex. Ciceu Poieni), rocky formations (ex. Ciceu Poieni, Ciceu Corabia etc.J.This study is focused on the roman limes between llișua Valley (Spermezeu) and Someșul Mare Valley (Năsăud) and aimed: the identification, inventory and assessment of specific elements of roman heritage and the planning of some strategies for tourist valorization of the archaeological sites.Therefore, if was identified few roman towers foundations on the Păltiniș Ridge, Hotarelor Hill, Zgău Peak, Dosul Colnicului Hill, Bela Hill, Miga Hill (Dumbrava) and Cucului Hill in a very good conservation stage, which allows trac­ ing precisely the route that the roman limes followed in the north-eastern part of Bistrița-Năsăud County.

Corneliu GAIU
Ceramica lucrată cu mâna din castrul roman de la Arcobadara/Ilișua
La céramique travaillée à la main du camp romain d’Arcobadara/ Ilişua

La céramique travaillée à la main du camp romain d’Arcobadara/llișua


La céramique découverte dans le camp romain d’llișua, semblable à celle trouvée dans d’autres camp de la province, offre un éventail varié de catégories, de formes et de types céramiques, la plupart produits dans les ateliers locaux. La quantité impressionnante déterrée nous oblige à une présentation graduelle du matériel, avec une mise en évidence des particularités concernant la typologie, l’évolution et les caractères du matériel té- gulaire. Dans ce cas nous avons choisi d’inventorier et de cataloguer la céramique travaillée à la main, en nous arrêtant seulement sur les ouvrages antérieurement signalées, mais avec des remarques stratigraphiques et des encadrements chronologiques hâtifs. La céramique usuelle est constituée des produits nécessaires aux besoins courants, appropriés à des fonctions précises qui ne peuvent pas être ignorées. C’est pourquoi, ils sont peu soumis à la mode et l’évolution de leur forme est très lente. Typologiquement, le matériel mis en discussion est presque exclusivement composé de pots-bocaux et de tasses de type dace. Selon leur forme, plusieurs types du répertoire de la céramique dace préromaine peuvent être identifiés. La tasse dace est présente dans toutes les périodes du camp par des exemplaires entièrement conservés ou des restes du corps ou du fond des vases. Quelques exemplaires connus ont une anse, mais la plupart n’en ont pas. Ils se caractérisent par le fond étroit, plat, le corps tronconique ou les parois voûtés et la bouche élargie.

Cristina-Georgeta ALEXANDRESCU
Fragmente de statui din bronz descoperite în castrul roman de la Ilișua (jud. Bistrița Năsăud)
Fragmente von Bronzestatuen aus dem römischen Kastell Ilișua (Kr. Bistrița-Năsăud)

Fragmente von Bronzestatuen aus dem römischen Kastell llișua (Kr. Bistrița-Năsăud)


Zwanzig Fragmente von Bronzestatuen, gefunden 1983 im Auxiliarkastell von llișua werden zum ersten Mal vorgelegt und ausgewertet. Die sind im süd-östlichen Turm der Porta Praetoria zu Tage gekommen, in einem Kontext des 3. Jhs. n.Chr., dass ein starken Brand erlitten hat.  Eine genauere Identifizierung ist auf Grund der starken Fragmentierung der meisten Stücke nicht über eine grobe Zuordnung zur Gewandsta­ tuen möglich. Allein für drei Fragmente (Nr. 1, 2 und 20) war es möglich sowohl eine Lokalisierung auf zwei oder drei weiblichen Statuen vorzu­ schlagen (ohne Anhaltspunkte zur Bestimmung als  menschlichen oder göttlichen Gestalt), als  auch eine Aussage zur urspünglichen Proportionen (Fragment nr. 2 stammt von eineinhalb bis doppelt lebensgrosse Statue).  Technische Beobachtungen der Oberfläche und Machart lassen die Fragmente unter den üblichen Bronzestatuen aus dem Limeskastellen des Imperium Romanum einreihen. Wichtig ist zudem, dass  gewisse Detailbehandlungen (wie z.B. der Kernhalteröffnungen) zum ersten Mal auch in Dakien festgestellt wurden und gute Parallelen in den Nordwestprovinzen finden.  Die aus dem Kastell und der Umgebung stammenden Statuenbasen bieten Gelegenheit zur Hypothese einer Aufstellung einer der weiblichen Bronzestatuen auf der Basis für lulia Mamaea, mater castrorum (CIL III 798), gestiftet von der Ala Tungrorum Frontoniana Alexandriana.

« Bonjour, madame ! » sur le couvercle d’un miroir: nouvelle inscription grecque d’Ilişua sur instrumentum
„Doamna mea, salutare!” pe capacul unei oglinzi: o nouă inscripţie în greacă pe instrumentum de la Ilişua

„Doamna mea, salutare!” pe capacul unei oglinzi: o nouă inscripție în greacă pe instrumentum de la llișua


Este publicat aici un capac de oglindă descoperit într-una din clădirile praetorium-ului castrului auxiliar de la Arcobara/Ilișua (jud. Bistrița-Năsăud). Discul de bronz, pe care sînt figurați în partea de sus doi porumbei, are gravate în partea inferioară două linii în greacă, în care recunoaștem o scurtă formulă, echivalent perfect al celei latinești Ave domina. Deși formula este nouă în tipologia inscripțiilor care însoțesc uneori oglinzile de metal de epocă romană, piesa se înscrie bine, inclusiv din punct de vedere iconografic, în seria acestor obiecte care puteau circula. Oglinda din care doar acest element a fost descoperit aparținuse soției unui ofițer în serviciu în ala I Tungrorum Frontoniana; alegerea acestui obiect inscripționat în greacă se explică fie prin apartenența la un mediu elenofon, fie prin dorința de a se distinge. Bogatul sit militar de la llișua oferă astfel a cincea inscripție în greacă, pe instrumentum, reflectând diversitatea lumii romane.

New sculptural monuments found in the Roman fort from Buciumi
Noi monumente sculpturale din castrul roman de la Buciumi

Noi monumente sculpturale din castrul roman de la Buciumi


Descoperirile arheologie referitoare la piese sculpturale în piatră din castrul roman de la Buciumi erau numeroase doar în ceea ce privea frag­ mente de inscripții onorifice sau elemente arhitectonice provenite de la diferite construcții din interiorul castrului. Studiul acesta aduce în discuție două noi monumente sculpturale descoperite pe teritoriul castrului: 1. Perete lateral de aedicula (PI.1 a-b) fragmentar, cu bustul unui personaj, până la nivelul gâtului și mâinile acestuia, într-una din ele ținând se pare un volumen; 2. Fragment monument sculptural, decorat cu scena banchetului funerar, din care se mai păstrează picioarele unei mensa tripes. Apariția celor două fragmente din ultimele cercetări aduc câteva completări privind activitatea atelierului local de sculptură, atât de puțin cu­ noscută. Știm că la un moment dat în necropola din apropierea castrului aici existau construcții funerare de tip aedicula iar mult cunoscuta temă a banchetului funerar era folosită și la reprezentările monumentelor sculpturale funerare din zonă.

Mihai Florin HASAN
Familia nobiliară de Șintereag [Somkerek] și evoluția acesteia de la finalul epocii angevine până în timpul jagellonilor (secolele XIV-XVI)
A. Dinamica unui domeniu familial 1382-1481
The Şintereag’s noble family and its evolution from the end of the Angevine era up during Jagiellonian (XIV- XVI centuries).
The dynamics of a noble family domain from 1382 to 1481.

The Șintereag’s noble family and its evolution from the end of the Angevine era up during Jagiellonian (XIV- XVI centuries). The dynamics of a noble family domain from 1382 to 1481.


The study is a first part of a wider study devoted to the noble family of Șintereag, this part trying to identify the origins of the family, but especially to capture the dynamics of a noble family domain over a century kneading of social, especially political, military andeconomic history of Hungarian kingdom confronted with the danger of permanent extinction, standing in front of an aggressive emerging country, as was the Ottoman state. Family of Șintereag tried to consolidate its heritage financially, especially in a generation, who has collated, while next generation has „broken” the unity of the manor, which was reconstructed with difficulty, extremely cumbersome, throughmarital subterfuges, today difficult to understand in their totality

Vasile DUDA
Date despre stema regală a Bistriței
Data Regarding the Royal Coat-of-Arms of Bistriţa

Data Regarding the Royal Coat-of-Arms of Bistrița


Bistrița is one of the most important mediaeval towns in Transylvania, one that acquired an important position in the economic development of the region between the fourteenth and the sixteenth centuries. The Royal House of Anjou supported the urban development of the settlement by granting it several urban priviledges in 1330 and 1353. What is more, in 1366-67, King Louis d’Anjou offered this community the status of a free royal town and the right to use his family’s coat-of- arms as a symbol. The royal coat-of-arms, consisting of a split escutcheon, decorated with a royal helmet, crowned with an ostrich having a horseshoe in its beak, had been used since 1367 as the official seal of the town. These old symbols were afterwards integrated in the modern coat-of-arms of the town, in the nineteenth century. The symbols were used until the end of the inter-war period, only to be eliminated during the communist age and then they were gradually forgotten. After the fall of the communist regime, the old symbols of the town were again included in its coat-of-arms, together with symbols such as the statue of the Romanian poet Andrei Mureșanu and a castle’s gate. The presence of the ostrich with the horseshoe in its beak in the royal coat-of-arms and subsequently in the symbol of Bistrița was historicaly argumented by the legends surrounding this bird, which was seen at the time so powerful that it could swallow and devour anything, including iron. Other coat-of-arms, similar to the one in Bistrița are to be found in several Western towns, strongly connected to the Royal House of Anjou. We could mention The Aachen Cathedral Treasury, the Vienna Illuminated Chronicles, coat-of-arms in Bratislava, Padova, Zara, Gyor, Budapest and so on. The coins issued in the fourteenth century by the Royal House of Anjou with the royal coat-of-arms offered to the town of Bistrița represent a new discussion point in the monetary history of the region. The present article illustrates the history of Bistrița’s coat-of-arms and discusses some of its similarities with the Anjou kings’ armorial insignia which are linked to the coat-of-arms of the mediaeval town of Bistrița.

Elisabeta SCURTU
Mortalitatea infantilă din Sângeorz în secolul al XIX-lea
La mortalité infantile de Sângeorz, au XIXe siècle

La mortalité infantile de Sângeorz, au XIXe siècle


Les résultats de la recherche se fondent sur la consultation du fond des registres d’état civil grec-catholique de Sângeorz. Ils s’ajoutent au ta­ bleau historique et démographique de Sângeorz, les causes et les effets de la mortalité infantile étant des éléments qui peuvent expliquer certaines oscillations du nombre de la population au cours du XIXe siècle. Selon nos observations, du 1831 au 1899, ils ont eu lieu 2597 de décès dans les rangs des enfants, avec une moyenne de 36 décès par an. Les enfants entre 1 et 10 ans sont morts, la plupart, à cause des maladies. Au cours du siècle quelques épidémies de choléra, de diphtérie ou de petite vérole ont laissé des nombreuses victimes. Toutefois, avec l’âge, la mortalité est spectaculairement réduite et pour les enfants de 10 à 14 ans. Les documents ne nous signalent que 123 décès. D’ailleurs l’accroissement naturel négatif est souvent du aux décès enregistrés parmi les enfants, ayant par la suite des conséquences sur l’entière démographie de la commune.

Cornelia VLAȘIN
Bursele de studiu acordate de Fondurile năsăudene între anii 1861-1948
Scholarships granted between 1861-1948 by the Fondurile năsăudene

Scholarships granted between 1861-1948 by the Fondurile năsăudene


Create Border Guards in come from selling certain funds contributed to the progress of cultural, economic, administrative and urban area. This role has increased after the abolition of the Regiment in 1851, and was maintained until 1958, when they were abolished abusive. The issue of national schools of all levels of concern over Romanian elite composed primarily intellectuals: priests, teachers, professors, officials, clergy, and only to a small extent from a bourgeois blanket. They were a ware that enlighten the people using the school will result in an improvement of the economic, social and political especially Romanians, so this ideal has remaine done of the most important Romanian scholars. Funds support the emergence of new social-professional categories and strengthening of the Romanian intellectual elite. Along side the military, priests and teachers trained during the regiment after 1861 increased the number of lawyers, teachers, pharmacists, their adding to the graduates and artisans. For the period 1861-1918, funds supported 372 students, 39 military personnel, 262 secondary school graduates, 517 Romanian artisans, giving scholarships in 2977. Unfortunately for the period after 1918, as I said, have not kept all the stock lists. Therefore it is difficult to make a complete analysis for the entire period, data from 1919 have 1920,1927-1930,1936-1940,1944-1947, indicating that during 1930-1937, due to the crisis have been awarded scho­ larships. Actually no information which was followed by faculty or scholars who came localities. The data held that were awarded 988 scholarships for higher education, most students paying legal sciences, a total of 264 scholarships. What is surprising is the increase in the number of scholarships granted to girls, they amounted to 139 scholarships. Total scholarships and aid in the interwar period in the year 1947/1948 (in these years we kept- dat) amounted to 4036 scholarships.

Petre DIN
Dinicu Golescu, peregrin prin Transilvania
Dinicu Golescu, pilgrim in Transylvania

Dinicu Golescu, pilgrim in Transylvania


Biography of Dinicu Golescu, follower of the philosophy of lights and promoter of liberal reforms, was the topic of study for various Romanian re­ searchers. It did not represent the paradigm of a personality type depending on cabinet activities, but that one of a passionate traveler and observer of the economic, social, cultural and political realities encountered in his wanderings. He studied people’s behavior in different geographical areas, making pragmatic  comparisons  that he has  gathered together into a bookish collection useful to his contemporaries to modernize the Romanian area. In rank of high chancellor, Dinicu Golescu militated to improve administration, for economic development through industrial growth and to deve­ lop education by creating schools and newspapers in Romanian language. The fundamental purpose of his travels was to identify solutions for natio­ nal regeneration and for overcoming the lethargy of his compatriots. For this reason he decided to publish his notes, hoping that the improvement of economic, political, social and cultural Romanian difficulties will be prioritized.

Locuitori din Bistrița participanți la Primul Război Mondial
Les habitants de Bistrița participants à la Première Guerre Mondiale

Les habitants de Bistrița participants à la Première Guerre Mondiale


Pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale des dizaines d’habitants de Bistrița ont été mobilisé dans l’armee austro-hongroise et envoyés sur le front de Rusie, Serbie et l’Italie. Parmi ceux-ci plusieurs ont perdu leur vie, ont disparu, ou ont été blesés. Et les civiles ont été afectés aussi. La nourri­ ture a été rationalisés, les cloches de l’église de Bistrița ont été requisitionés et l’enseignant de l’ecole gréco-catholique a été déporté à Șopron en Hongrie.

Naționalism și etnicitate la Bistrița în perioada interbelică
Nationalismus und ethnische Zugehörigkeit in Bistritz während der Zwischenkriegszeit

Nationalismus und ethnische Zugehörigkeit in Bistritz während der Zwischenkriegszeit


Im Kontext der Integration Siebenbürgens in den rumänischen Einheitsstaat nach 1918, fand eine Neupositionierung der Haltung seitens der Hauptgruppen der Bevölkerung auch im jetzigen Kreis Bistritz – Nassod statt. Die Rumänen, sich zur Mehrheit entwickelnd, haben ihren Beitritt auch in Führungsposten in die neu geschaffene Verwaltung beansprucht. Als typisches Beispiel wird das Rathaus Bistritz, der Hauptstadt des Kreises angeführt. Nach jahrhundertlanger sächsischer Verwaltung, wurde im Jahr 1934 Rechtsanwalt Cornel Mureșan zum ersten rumänischen Bürgermeister der Stadt gewählt. Die Studie schildert die Etappen und die Mittel im Zuge derer diese Tatsache verwirklicht wurde, wobei sich die mehrmals unterschiedliche Inte­ ressen der Rumäner und der Sachsen überschnitten haben.

Focul de la Copşa Mică (1933-1940), prezentat în ziarul Unirea Poporului de la Blaj
Le feu de Copșa Mică (1933-1940), présenté dans le journal Unirea Poporului de Blaj

Le feu de Copșa Mică (1933-1940), présenté dans le journal Unirea Poporului de Blaj


Parmi les événements très graves dans l’histoire de l’exploitation du gaz méthane de a Roumanie se compte le feu de Coșa Mică. Eclaté en 13 juillet 1933, on ne l’a pu éteindre jusqu’au 28 mars 1940. Le débit de gaz perdu a été de 2 millions de mètres cube par jour et d’environ 5 milliards de mètres cube pendant les sept ans d’éruption. Les opérations pour éteindre le feu ont nécessité de grands efforts humains, matériaux et financiers. Les événements liés du feu de Copșa Mică (1933-1940), sont relatés dans le journal Unirea Poporului (l’Union du Peuple) de Blaj, no. 28 de 23 juillet 1933.


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